Blog : Révéler l'art de la photographie
High Speed Photography Nitty-Gritty
High-speed photography is a technique which freezes these kinds of moments so they can be reminiscence forever. The post High...
How to Make Light Painting Orbs
The artistic technique of moving a light source to selectively illuminate parts of the subject or scene. The post How...
Water Splash Photography with MIOPS Laser Trigger Mode
The laser mode of MIOPS Smart+ allows you to freeze the moment with some help from a strobe. The post...
How to Paint with Light: Light Painting Photography Tutorial
Light painting is a creative technique that produces dramatic and memorable images. The surreal way that light wraps around the...
How to Photograph a Rocket Launch at Night
Learn how to take the out-of-this-world streaking images by capturing the rocket launch. The post How to Photograph a Rocket...
How to Light Glass and Water Splash Photography
Take pictures of glass objects while playing around with the light and reflections in the most creative ways. The post...
How to Do Popping Balloon Photography
Find out how you can shoot a bursting balloon at the perfect moment to take some extraordinary photos...
How to Create Beautiful Color Sculptures Using the Sound
Create beautiful color sculptures using a high speed photography technique. The post How to Create Beautiful Color Sculptures Using the...
Libérez votre esprit créatif, Capturez l'inattendu
MIOPS ne se limite pas à l'équipement. Il s'agit de repousser vos limites créatives et de capturer les moments qui vous coupent le souffle. Nous croyons que tout le monde a le potentiel d'être un conteur, et nos produits sont conçus pour vous permettre de le faire.