Blog: Die Enthüllung der Kunst der Fotografie
10 Tips & Tricks for High Speed Photography
Here are ten tips and tricks if you want to start with highs-speed photography. The post 10 Tips & Tricks...
Effective Travel Photography Tips for Improving your Photos
One of the most fulfilling kinds of photography especially if you go to a lot of places. The post Effective...
10 Things You Can Do with a Camera Trigger
A camera trigger is one of the essential gadgets you can add to your camera bag. The post 10 Things...
How to Shoot Stunning Dancing Colors
A different high speed photography idea to create something totally different. The post How to Shoot Stunning Dancing Colors appeared...
Triggering Multiple Flashes with Slave Mode
Bringing in a second flash unit to give a burst of light from a different angle can be the difference...
High Speed Photography Nitty-Gritty
High-speed photography is a technique which freezes these kinds of moments so they can be reminiscence forever. The post High...
How to Make Light Painting Orbs
The artistic technique of moving a light source to selectively illuminate parts of the subject or scene. The post How...
Water Splash Photography with MIOPS Laser Trigger Mode
The laser mode of MIOPS Smart+ allows you to freeze the moment with some help from a strobe. The post...
Entfessele deinen kreativen Geist, Fange das Unerwartete ein
MIOPS geht es nicht nur um Ausrüstung. Es geht darum, deine kreativen Grenzen zu erweitern und die Momente festzuhalten, die dir den Atem rauben. Wir glauben, dass jeder das Potenzial hat, ein Geschichtenerzähler zu sein, und unsere Produkte sind darauf ausgelegt, dich genau dabei zu unterstützen.