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Water Splash Photography with MIOPS Laser Trigger Mode

Water Splash Photography with MIOPS Laser Trigger Mode

The laser mode of the MIOPS Smart+ allows you to freeze action with the help of a strobe light. The short flash exposed the action for a brief period making it possible to stop the action. MIOPS Smart+ offers great accuracy as you can define the delay in milliseconds. This allows you to capture exactly what you want. Our friend JayP Morgan has used the MIOPS Smart+ laser trigger mode to do this stunning water splash photography. Read further to find out how he did that.

Water Splash photography sample

Jay P Morgan,The Slanted Lens

JayP took a picture of a model as someone splashed water on her. The model was sitting on a stool, so he could adjust the light and reflections accordingly. You can use any color as a background. He preferred a blue backdrop.


MIOPS Smart+  has the most important role in this setup. It sits on top of the camera in the laser trigger mode. The laser beam is aimed at the MIOPS Smart+, and when water is splashed, it breaks the beam triggering the MIOPS and the camera. It is that simple.

The laser beam needs to be precisely aligned with the MIOPS Smart+, so you may want to use a clamp to hold the laser pointer. When the beam is perfectly aligned, you will see the LM sign on the setup menu, as shown below. This means that you are ready to start.
MIOPS laser not matchedMIOPS laser matched
Make sure that LM sign appears when the laser matched

You also need to set the delay on the trigger, otherwise the MIOPS Smart+ will trigger instantly, which could be too early. We want to see the water splash going across the entire picture. You can adjust the delay in milliseconds. In our case, a delay of about 160 ms was perfect.

The fine-tuning capability of the MIOPS Smart+ allows you to get consistent results with your trials. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to get the exact timing for the correct position of the splash. Human reflexes are plainly too slow for that.



Take impossible photos by turning your camera into a high-speed capture device!


Jay P had to use three lights for this setup. One as his key light, then the rim lights, and finally, we had to light the background. Pocketwizard units helped him trigger all three lights simultaneously wirelessly. Also, he adjusted them to the lowest power to get the shortest flash duration. The shorter the flash duration, the sharper the action picture. The camera will be in BULB mode with an open shutter to eliminate shutter lag.

With this setup, Jay P had a lot of fun and captured fantastic images. The MIOPS Smart+ will be your ultimate gadget to make amazing Stop Action pictures.

You can read full article here and watch the video below.


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