Smart Pro Pack

$359.00 $289.00 Guardar 19%
  • Disparador todo en uno: Maneja rayo, sonido, láser y lapso de tiempo.
  • El primer disparador de cámara controlado por smartphone, también funcional como dispositivo independiente.
  • Cables intercambiables para diversos modelos de cámaras.
  • Captura lo imposible: ¡Convierte tu cámara en una bestia de alta velocidad!
¿Qué se incluye en la caja?

1 x MIOPS Smart+
1 x Batería
1 x Cable de Cámara
1 x Cable de Extensión para Cámara (2 metros)

Descripción del producto

Descubre las capacidades mejoradas de la fotografía con el Paquete Smart Pro. Este conjunto cuidadosamente seleccionado incluye el avanzado MIOPS Smart, una batería de repuesto para sesiones de disparo prolongadas y un cable de extensión de 2 metros que proporciona una mayor flexibilidad en la ubicación de la cámara. Ideal para fotógrafos que buscan superar los límites de su creatividad, el Paquete Smart Pro te permite gestionar sin esfuerzo escenarios de disparo complejos, desde el disparo remoto hasta las intrincadas tomas de larga exposición. Con la comodidad adicional de una batería de repuesto y el alcance extendido de tu cámara, el Paquete Smart Pro está diseñado para elevar tus proyectos fotográficos a niveles profesionales.

Llevamos la fotografía a un nuevo nivel

Libera tu espíritu creativo, Captura lo inesperado

MIOPS no se trata solo de equipo. Se trata de expandir tus límites creativos y capturar los momentos que te dejan sin aliento. Creemos que todos tienen el potencial de ser narradores de historias, y nuestros productos están diseñados para capacitarte a hacer precisamente eso.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
MIOPS Smart+

My Photographic focus mainly lies on Night skies and metrological conditions.
To replace different Typs of (remote) releases and thereby unifying the way of controlling my usual Two Camera Setup I ordered the a Smart+ as well as the MobileDongle. Shipping and Customs worked well and fast. Due to a misunderstanding of the at that time available Online Manual I had to contact Customer Service. Response and assistance were nothing else than perfect, and included a personalized Update. It will be hard to find another Customer Service that matches the one of MIOPS. Individualization of Settings took a moment as with all new advanced Gear. After using and refining it a while now, my verdict is that everything works as expected.
Yes I would buy this Item again.
A word on the Android Version of the MIOPS App used by me at that specific time.
Android, NOT Miops , demands several Services like Position and Cell Services to even start the App. I rely on pro navigation gear and often there simply is no cell coverage where I go to. So those settings are OFF to save batterie for moments were they really matter. Several times I couldn't use the MobileDongle because the App didn't start. Again not Miops fault, because my recently acquired Apple mobile device and the IOs Version of Miops app work perfectly without those restrains. And that was was the fact with some other multi-platform Apps as well. No judging just mentioning.

Vivian Kwok
Would be nice to have video tutorial

Would be nice to have video tutorial or quick guides to help initiate the use!

Neal Drury
So far so good

I have only used it a little so far but love to be able to use my phone to control it. Waiting for a chance to use it for lightning pictures.

Simon Phillips
Couldn't ask for more.

Best gadget in my camera bag and its allowed me to get shots my reaction speed just isn't able to capture from lightning, popping of balloons filled with water, splash photography and next in the pipeline playing with paint and smashing glasses. Theres so many possibilities and the battery lasts for ages I charge it only 2-3 times a year.

Peter Ball

Great product