Blog: Die Enthüllung der Kunst der Fotografie
What is a Lightning Trigger and Why You Need It?
What is a Lightning Trigger? This article will tell you everything you need to know about this device.
The Practical Guide to Splash Portrait Photography
Portrait photography is the most lucrative genre of photography. Now a day’s more and more photographers are entering in this...
How to Shoot Portrait Photography Using a Camera Trigger?
Portrait photography may be the first thing you learn as a photographer. It is a niche of photography that is...
Differences between MIOPS Smart+, RemotePlus and Mobile Dongle
If you are one of the photographers who enjoy the MIOPS products, then probably you have some questions or confusions...
9 Must-Have Things You Need for High Speed Photography
Photography is an art and like any other art, you need some equipment’s to pursue it. If you are a...
How Does a Sound Activated Camera Trigger Work?
A sound camera trigger is one of the most common devices that many photographers rely on.
Tips to Create Fabulous Shots of Spinning Rainbow
You will learn how to create fabulous spinning rainbow pictures using MIOPS Smart which is the best sound trigger for high-speed photography.
What is a High-Speed Camera Trigger and How Does it Work?
What is a high-speed camera trigger? How does it work? worry. This article will help expand your knowledge about this device.
Entfessele deinen kreativen Geist, Fange das Unerwartete ein
MIOPS geht es nicht nur um Ausrüstung. Es geht darum, deine kreativen Grenzen zu erweitern und die Momente festzuhalten, die dir den Atem rauben. Wir glauben, dass jeder das Potenzial hat, ein Geschichtenerzähler zu sein, und unsere Produkte sind darauf ausgelegt, dich genau dabei zu unterstützen.